Elly Jessop Nattinger, Experience Engineer

people + space (+ technology)

Art and Technology Workshops

Experiments with audio processing a viola controlled by my wearable sensor set.

A final performance by workshop participants for viola and sensor gloves.

Peter Torpey helping workshop participants with code.

Leading a group of participants in an exercise.

A Blikwesseling workshop participant experiments with movement sensors.

A group at the PQ workshop creates a performance "score" as part of an exercise.

Props for one group's final project from the PQ workshop (making performance scores inspired by folktales).

In collaboration with Peter Torpey, I have led a variety of art and technology workshops internationally. Workshops include:
-- "Scoring the Dynamic Stage" workshop at the Prague Quadrennial Spacelab, 2015.
-- "Waves" masterclass at Blikwisseling in Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2014.
-- "Abstract Expression, Creation, and Collaboration across Time and Distance" workshop at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Enschede, Netherlands, 2013.

These 3-5 day workshops generally have brought together multidisciplinary groups to develop their own short performances/installations using technology. Our workshop at the Prague Quadrennial primarily focused on the question of how to create representations/scores for scenic designs that integrate interactive technology (and thus are not easily represented by static models/drawings.)

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